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The Artisans


Every year to celebrate Puerto Rican Heritage Month, Comite Noviembre, along with its partner and co-sponsor Puerto Rican Institute for the Development of the Arts (PRIDA) has transformed its venue to represent an array of artists, sculptors, Vejigante masks markers and book authors who promote and sell their amazing pieces of work.

Did you know Artisans aren't the same as artists, but it can sometimes be hard to tell the
Did you know Artisans aren't the same as artists, but it can sometimes be hard to tell the

We thank you for your support of our Artisans and Authors who give of their talents to preserve, cultivate and highlight the best of our Puerto Rican culture through their work.  Please reach out to them over the holidays and throughout the year to share some special gifts with your family and friends.
Thanks again and Happy Holidays!!!!!

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